Posted by what? on May 12, 2011 at 20:25:51:
In Reply to: Re: rush limbaugh posted by Mr. Talent on May 12, 2011 at 14:47:56:
got audio to prove it?
: Actually, it was pretty easy. You see, he talked about Mitch Daniels then said... "here is a sound bite from Mitch Daniels" or something to that effect. Then, when it was over he read what the audio clip was supposed to say. So, I don't think it was my talent that figured it out, I think it was your lack of intelligence that kept you from figuring out what a 5th grader could have.
: : I'm surprised that you were able to decipher not only the fact that it wasn't a phone call playing in Voxpro, but you could even identify the person who's voice was playing in slow motion. You've got real talent. Either that or you're full of shit.
: :
: : : I heard the same thing. It was a clip of Mitch Daniels... not a phone caller. Nice try though. Thank you, come again.
: : : : rush just "went to the phones" and what started playing was clearly a voxpro playing audio in slow motion. i couldn't stop laughing. rush kept yelling "make that stop"! "turn that off"!