Posted by Regional Vice President of Programming on November 28, 2012 at 16:27:55:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Stephanie Miller promotes anti-gay Salvation Army posted by TakesNoPosition on November 28, 2012 at 13:05:49:
Hey TNP,
It is a huge national promotion funneled through several of the big syndicators. They're getting a deal because of their tax status that allows the syndicators to write off the loss. But the Salvation Army IS paying for the talent to have online red kettles and to talk it up on their shows.
I heard the "Major" on WIND in Chicago with Michael Medved today. Ironically (regarding this thread's topic) on Medved's show the Major did strongly push the Evangelical history and approach the Salvation Army takes when someone asks for help. He also said they help 1 out of 3 people who request assistance and that decision is sometimes based on who will agree to the spiritual component of their mission vs. who just wants a hand out.
He didn't directly talk about the whole gay thing that's making its way around the blogs nor did he reference Stephanie Miller or Bill Press. But the "Major" did say thank you to Medved more than once, and said he appreciated Medved standing by the Salvation Army this holiday season. It was sort of a coded remark implied to anyone who might be aware of what is going on but anyone else wouldn't pick up on it.